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Copyright © 2024 Sebastiaan Heins

3.0 Standard library

Dosato by default has a selection of build in functions and variables, to help you build efficient code.

In this chapter, we will list and explore all the functions and variables Dosato has to offer!

General Constants

long: maxlong

maxlong is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the maximum value of a long.
It's value internally is 9223372036854775807

long: minlong

minlong is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the minimum value of a long.
It's value internally is -9223372036854775808

long: maxint

maxint is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the maximum value of an int.
It's value internally is 2147483647

long: minint

minint is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the minimum value of an int.
It's value internally is -2147483648

long: maxshort

maxshort is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the maximum value of a short.
It's value internally is 32767

long: minshort

minshort is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the minimum value of a short.
It's value internally is -32768

long: maxbyte

maxbyte is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the maximum value of a byte.
It's value internally is 127

long: minbyte

minbyte is a constant defined in the standard library, it is the minimum value of a byte.
It's value internally is -128

General Functions

string typeOf (var value)

Returns the type of the given value as a string.

bool isNull (var value)

Returns true if the given value is null, false otherwise.

long typeIntOf (var value)

Returns the type of the given value as a long.

long isNaN (var value)

Returns true if the given value is NaN, or the value is not a number.

void throw (long error_code || string error_msg)

Throws an error with the given error code or message.